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About Perlen Packaging

As a family-owned company, Perlen Packaging can proudly look back on more than 60 years of successfully coating PVC/PVdC films. And for more than 15 years Perlen Packaging is even considered as a global leader of ultra-high barrier PVdC films worldwide with a 100% pharmaceutical focus. 

Using state-of-the-art technology, we manufacture a full range of products completely dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry. 

Our expansive product portfolio covers a wide range of solutions for primary packaging from PERLALUX - Mono PVC films through medium barrier to ultra-high barrier films like PERLALUX - Tristar ultra and PERLALUX - MultiLayer ultra for extreme protection requirements. Regardless of the ingredients and the climate zone, we can provide the right barrier for your product in every situation. All of our products comply with FDA requirements, Food and Drug Administration (DMF 10686 and 9072). 

The sustainable future of pharmaceutical packaging films also involves us. Our on-site sustainability expert will be happy to explain our current and future path to sustainability to you. 

With 5 global PVC manufacturing sites and 3 own PVdC coating lines we ensure a global availability of packaging films.

Perlen Packaging LLC, Whippany, your local partner in NJ offers a service and logistics center for North America with local specialists and customer support. Get in touch with our experts, they will be glad to support you. 

Discover our full product range and find more useful information on our website.


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Sustainable Solution Description

PERLALUX® - Mono DeCarb

Are you in search of innovative, low-effort solutions that can immediately and significantly reduce your ecological footprint without impacting your production processes? Then PERLALUX® - Mono DeCarb is the answer. With a significant CO2 reduction throughout the entire supply chain, this new product line offers enormous CO2 saving potential without having any impact on the porcessing properties. There is no need for new validation and no need for stability tests.

By the usage of circular and bio-circular raw material feedstocks combined with the usage of renewable energy we have the possibility to produce PVC Mono films with a heavily reduced Carbon Footprint.

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Offers products/services suitable for startups and smaller emerging brands: No