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About ThinPrinting by St Michel Print

In pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer product industries, product leaflets in a package are over 100y old innovation with several practical issues (usability, number of languages, sustainability etc.). We have outstanding unique new solution for this! 

Unique product leaflet solution - Thin Bible Paper Booklet is the new standard for pharmaceutical, disposable medical device and consumer product packaging (

The solution provides the outstanding experience for patients on their treatment journey, very low carbon footprint and maybe the most cost-effective logistics.

The main benefits of the solution compared to the standard leaflet are as follows:

1. At least, 3 times more information (e.g. more languages).

2. Outstanding usability (easy to open/close and to find correct information e.g. table of contents with page numbers, bigger font size).

3. Significant savings on leaflet / booklet cost (~20%)

4. Environment friendly (less paper, ~30 – 50%, and more efficient logistics)


  • One of Europe’s leading thinprinting houses.
  • Annually, specialized to print several over 10 million unique product leaflets for the pharmaceutical, disposable medical device, diagnostics, and consumer product industries (total annual capacity over 100 million unique product leaflets).
  • Specialized in printing on ONLY thin paper in 1984
  • Location close to Europe’s leading thin paper manufacturers has led to fast and reliable deliveries to our customers
  • St Michel Print is part of privately owned Länsi-Savo Group with a heritage of 133 years in printing.




Product Categories

Vertical Markets

Cosmetics/Personal Care

Cosmetics/Personal Care


Household/auto chemicals

Life Sciences/Pharma/Healthcare

Medical/Dental Instruments or Supplies

Life Sciences/Pharma/Healthcare

Nutraceutical, Vitamin, Dietary Supplement

Life Sciences/Pharma/Healthcare

Other healthcare products

Life Sciences/Pharma/Healthcare

Over-the-counter products

Other packaged products

Building/Construction/Home Improvement Products

Other packaged products

Consumer Electronics and Appliances

Other packaged products


Other packaged products

Other packaged products

Other packaged products

Tobacco/Smoking Products

Other packaged products


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Interested Businesses:

  • Direct Sales

Marketed Regions:

  • Eastern and Southeast Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Northern Africa
  • Southern Africa
  • Western Europe

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Finnish
  • Spanish

Sustainable Solution Description

Our product is unique medical leaflet - Thin Bible Paper Booklet. It is a new standard for pharmaceutical packaging which provides the outstanding experience for patients on their treatment journey, very low carbon footprint and maybe the lowest cost.
Usability of Thin Bible Paper Booklet is outstanding. It is easy to open, close, and find correct information (e.g. table of contents with page numbers and larger font size) compared to the standard leaflet. In addition, it can be tailored to customer needs and therefore the size is suitable for the current package and the content will be as needed. Because there is no folding the booklet is extremely easy to take out from package and vice versa. At the same time, it is highly environment friendly (~30 – 50% less paper weight compared to a standard leaflets) and the price is significantly lower (~20%) with high volume. Due to lower weight, a package is lighter weight, and if needed smaller in size, and transportations will have lower CO2 emissions (lighter containers and less transportations). For our solution we use only FSC certificated thin bible paper.
Thin bible paper is totally different than standard leaflet paper. It is really thin (29 – 36g/m², calipers 33 – 34µm, lignin free and usually used in Bibles) and there is no need for folding. The standard leaflet paper is thick (50 – 60g/m², caliper 65 – 80µm), lignin containing grade and usually folded several tens of times. In practice, one main difference is the weight of paper. If a leaflet is printed on paper with 50g/m², and for our solution we would use thin bible paper with 29g/m², this would mean that our booklet solution is 42% lighter weight than the leaflet solution! This has also significant sustainability affect due to weight of paper and the weight of transportations.
Due to very thin and low weight paper we are also able to produce significantly more information on the booklet than by using the standard leaflet. For many customers we have produced Thin Bible Paper Booklet, which has included 25 languages. Earlier, with standard leaflet format and with standard paper this has not been possible.

Additional Information

Offers products/services suitable for startups and smaller emerging brands: No